Tej Gedela

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Tej is currently the director of the DebateDrills LD Club Team. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2024, with majors in Neuroscience and Economics. Since 2020, Tej has coached a TOC Champion, two Semifinalists, three Octafinalists, and a Double Octafinalist. His students have accumulated over 100 bids and 12 championships.Tej debated for William G Enloe HS and was part of DebateDrills as a student. He received 13 career bids to the TOC and finished in Doubles his junior year. He won Stanford and Strake, and was in late elims of Harvard, Emory, Glenbrooks, Bronx, Harvard Westlake, Blue Key, and Apple Valley, along with multiple round robins. Tej’s debate expertise lies in defending util/policy arguments against a range of styles, theory, and topicality.

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