Rajvee Patel

Rajvee Patel's headshot

Rajvee Patel is a Political Science major at the University of California Irvine. She has been competing in the Lincoln-Douglas division since she joined Milpitas High School's Speech & Debate team her freshman year. Although her strengths lie in traditional LD, Rajvee is also well-versed in circuit, as she has experience working with theory, T-shells, Ks, DAs, and CPs. Additionally, she enjoys teaching the importance of framework debate and lay appeal. Rajvee was also a Double-Octofinalist at the John Lewis SVUDL Invitational and Octofinalist at the La Costa Canyon Winter Classic Tournament. She has been working with DebateDrills for 3 years and looks forward to meeting new students who are ready to learn.

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