Ishan Rao

Ishan Rao's headshot

Ishan competed on the circuit for 2 years as the R and second speaker in Golden state MR and DebateDrills MR, accumulating 3 bids in my career. He reached finals at CSU, won SCU and the John Lewis invitational twice, and reached quarters at the Georgetown, university of Michigan, and Badgerland tournaments while earning speaker awards along the way. During his time on the circuit, Ishan was a very flay debater and hopes to teach this type of debate during his time at DebateDrills. In addition, he started a public forum team at his high school and coached/cut prep for the teams, with more than half his teams reaching out rounds at the tournaments they competed in despite it being their first year competing. Ishan is currently a  junior at Emory University in the debate club and hopes to incorporate this experience into his PF coaching.

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