Ekaanth Veerakumar

Ekaanth Veerakumar's headshot

Ekaanth Veerakumar is student at the Brooklyn College Combined Medical Program majoring in Economics.

As a competitor he was ranked 2nd on the NDCA bid scoreboard for the 2020-21 season after acquiring 8 bids to the TOC. Most notably, he has semifinaled Glenbrooks and quarterfinaled Blake, Emory, and the Minnesota State Championships twice. Individually, he has acquired speaker awards at several tournaments including Harvard and Valley.

His coaching experience includes captaining his team for three years guiding novices to their first championships, doing peer to peer coaching helping teams break at the MSTOC and state championships, and coaching at Delta Debate. Specifically, he was best at teaching students how to frontline effectively, increase efficiency, and choose the best in-round strategies.

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